Embracing Heart Sponsor – SOLD OUT

At 18 feet tall, the largest heart on our mural gives the illusion of wrapping around the building. Closest to the trail, this almost two-story heart is easily visible from the W&OD Trail across the street and makes for a beautiful and inviting introduction to the mural as it unfolds back towards the end of the building.

Embracing Heart Sponsor Benefits
  • Donation to our mission to help the food-insecure (priceless)
  • Logo on mural website
  • Recognition in emails to all Rustic Love subscribers
  • Recognition in at least (2) social media posts
  • Framed print of mural
  • Printed recognition at Mural Unveiling Event
  • Special mention at Mural Unveiling Event
  • Logo/sponsoring family name on back of mural t-shirt
Reserve your heart